Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Beckham

Is this not the sweetest face? A true look of innocence.

I enjoy his sense of fun and adventure.
I think it's cute the way he spends most of his time 'undressed'
He can pretend play like no other. He's a very cute tiger and a pretty convincing dinosaur.
He gives the best hugs. He'll take your face in his hands when he's talking or he's going to kiss you-it's precious.
He is social and likes just about anyone.
You never, and I mean never lose sight of him.
He's athletic, and can ride a scooter faster that any other two year old...I'm sure of it!
He also...
--has been known to flood an entire bathroom. Just let me say that you don't have toliet paper laying around for Becks to find
--is fast...and an experienced escape artist
--has no sense of fear
--is so cute, that whatever he does...we just laugh

We love this boy, and his wild ways.
He's infamous...let me quote a few that know him.

Grammy: "Gracey let's go find your brother, he terrifies me"
Gracey: "He terrifies me too!"

Linny: "Beckham doesn't bite any more, does he."

Rob: "People use to think I was making this stuff up about him, but now they're the ones telling the stories."

Felicity: "Let's go find your brother"
Gracey: "Why can't he just stay in the house?"
Felicity: "That's a good question..."

...and we wouldn't change a thing about him!

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