Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thoughts on turning '52'

I admit that I like my birthday. It's touching to be remembered, and we never grow out of needing that! I truly enjoyed the phone calls, emails, texts, cards,treats dropped off, gifts, and the occasional "I didn't know it was your birthday...Happy Birthday!"

And honestly, isn't '52' just a number? I respectfully know that it represent years of living, and I'm enjoying some of the fruits of my life lived thus far...

After 31 yrs. of marriage, Steve & I enjoy a certain type of peace together. I know that there is no one I'd rather spend the eternites with. I am in awe of my adult children-their goodness and love for each other is inspiring. I'm crazy in love with my grandchildren. The other day someone asked me how many I had (as my constant speaking of them gives the impression that I have many!) In theory, I have trillions-and I adore them all.

It's great that we can just keep on learning, changing, evolving...and hopefully always appreciating this life that God has given each of us.


Russel and Marcie Sipes said...

AAAWWW your the best. Happy Birthday. I'm so glad Mel has you so we could meet:)

Erinn said...

I love you Mom.

Jillian said...

So all it takes is 52 years to become a woman like you!YES! Only few more for me! I love having you near and I am sorry I was the one who replied " I didnt know it was your birthday..HAPPY Birthday". :)

The May Family said...

Happy belated Birthday!! I truly didn't forget about you... I just never had a chance to call. I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed every minute of turning 52.
Love you and can't wait to see you!

Petersen Palace said...

I didn't know it was your happy birthday! You're amazing! :)

Mel's Family said...

Wow...52 years old. You have such wisdom for someone who is "2" years older than me!LOL Do you realize we have known each other for about 38 years! Crazy. I am so thankful for you and for our friendship. You have and always will be an inspiration to me. I love ya. Mel

Jeanine said...

Well said Momma May! We love you!

Katie and Derek Miller said...

this is such an old post but i had to comment on it :) I love seeing new blogs! Just wanted to tell you the little pats on my shoulder when you walk by at church have always helped me feel like I belong there again. You have such a beautiful presence and realness about you, hard to explain but I can always feel what a beatiful person you are, and I'm thankful that me and my little family ended up here of all places we could have been. You and Bishop are wonderful and the little things from both of you have made a bigger difference for us then you'll probably ever know!